
In the enigmatic realm of Sacra, the universe teeters on the brink of a fading, slow, and chaotic singularity. Here, the fundamental laws that govern existence have all but vanished, replaced by unique local laws governing each world or group of worlds. These localized laws offer pockets of stability amid the cosmic chaos.

In Sacra, the aspects of life and nature, the creatures that roam, the technologies, and even the fundamental concepts all seem eerily familiar, yet, due to the enigmatic state of the universe, they defy conventional logic. It's a place where reality is malleable, and the boundaries of logic can be stretched and bent.

These local laws, though intricate and orderly, are subject to the influence of powerful consciousnesses that can disrupt their functionality. It's a place where minds can shape the world itself.

The world of Auron, born from the aftermath of the collisions of three other worlds, embodies a complex structure, forming a tetrahedral pyramid. Its uppermost facet, known as "Auron," is the stage for the initial light games, featuring seas and continents. From this vantage point, the otherworldly nature of the planet remains hidden. To the common observer, Auron is merely a flat world, but in the shape of a triangle. The ocean's waters do not flow downward; they gently curve, and gravity is localized for each facet. Each side possesses its unique force of attraction.

The lower, sharp, converging facets, constituting the second world known as "Metanoia," are pierced at their midpoint by a massive cosmic body of elongated shape. The summit of the pyramid is fractured, and remnants of this extraterrestrial entity, with a wholly unnatural structure, protrude in various parts of the pyramid, forming surreal, towering "mountains" and remnants of celestial bodies.

The third world, "Schism," is located within the pyramid, engulfed by it during the cataclysm. The precise nature of Schism remains enigmatic, but deep within the adventures, explorers may encounter its vestiges and former inhabitants. This subterranean world has never known the sun's light, nor do its denizens yearn for it.

In Sacra, there is no singular, harmonious world; instead, there are three worlds intermingled with one another, each alien to the others. These worlds each have their history, unique inhabitants, and are readily accessible for exploration and adventure. This conceptual framework allows for the enduring expansion of the game universe without the need for additional sources.

The most significant event in Auron's recent history is the "Moonfall," which occurred a decade prior to the game's events. The world bore witness to a cataclysm of catastrophic earthquakes and floods. Suddenly, the sun vanished behind the far side of Auron, plunging the world into what appeared to be endless night. The sun reappeared but became stationary, immediately concealed by one of Auron's moons, Goragox. The sky over Auron turned a deep crimson.

Throughout the world, people witness an eclipse and an enigmatic figure high in the sky, later to be named the Angel. The Angel, silent and motionless, gazes upon Auron for a time. Then, a rain of blood descends to the earth, and the Angel vanishes without a trace. Amidst cries of horror, the moon Goragox detaches from its orbit and hurtles toward Auron.

Goragox crashes into the ocean, the sun resumes its motion, and survivors emerge from their hiding places. The Great Turmoil begins, plunging the world into chaos—a never-ending cycle of bloodshed, wars, violence, and uprisings. Once-mighty empires and eternal kingdoms fall, national borders blur, and long-banished creatures from the underground depths and ancient forests return to haunt the world. Nowhere is safe.

Those touched by the Angel's blood, known as the "Sacra," can no longer experience a final death; they repeatedly rise, identical to the day the blood rain fell. They are called the "Sacred" by some and openly cursed by others. Whether this gift is a curse, a prelude to a new and wondrous world, or the harbinger of the world's end, remains a mystery.

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